HEdge microfinance bank ltd 1 SErenity road, off karshi-apo bypass way, karshi, abuja, nigeria +234 (0) 9076722225 info@hedgemfb.com Mondays - fridays (08 - 16 Hours)

Delivering Convenient, Secured and Reliable Banking Services
BVN Enrolment
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Why Hedge MFB?
Our Key Focal Areas
The low financing of agribusinesses in Nigeria, particularly smallholders farming business, poses a significant challenge that jeopardizes the country's food security and overall economy. With over 85% of farmers being smallholders, each managing less than 5 hectares annually, the sector faces critical hurdles. These smallholder farmers often live in rural and semi-urban areas where essential infrastructures, such as roads, electricity, and telecommunication networks, are severely lacking. Additionally, farm insecurity and natural hazards driven by climate change deter formal banking institutions from investing in this vital sector. Consequently, less than 20% of micro, small, and medium enterprises within agriculture receive adequate financial support, compounding the difficulties faced by farmers. Addressing these issues is crucial for enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring the sustainability of Nigeria's food system and the economy at large. Also, less than 10% of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that account for over 90% of businesses in Nigeria get access to loans and credit from the formal banking institutions. To support these important segments of our economy, Hedge microfinance bank limited was established. The Bank is targeted at supporting the low-income but active hardworking people in agriculture and MSMEs to lift them out of their vicious cycle of poverty and socioeconomic misery. Hedge Bank is managed by seasoned bankers with several years of industry experience in the areas of agribusiness and risk management who have designed customized banking and financial products and models targeted at supporting smallholder farmers, MSMEs and the development of rural micro infrastructure.

Smallholder farmer
Active Low-Income Earners

Rural Micro Infrastructure
Our Vision
To be the preferred Bank that offers convenient, reliable and secured banking and financial solutions for the growth of low-income earners, Agri-MSMEs and the rural economy.
Our Mission
To always deliver innovative and technology-driven banking and financial solutions targeted at empowering the active low-income people to break out of poverty and socioeconomic misery.
Our Core Values
Efficiency, Professionalism, Innovation, Customer-focused and Staff-centric
We are strongly driven by:

Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Mission

Our Partners
We engage in strategic partnerships on projects that provide accessible financial solutions to active poor and micro and small enterprises.

Private Banking
Wealth Management
Customized Credits
Investment & Advisory
Priority banking experience
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© 2025. All rights reserved. Hedge Microfinance Bank Ltd
Hedge Bank Ltd
1 Serenity Road, Karshi-Apo Bypass way, Karshi, Abuja, Nigeria
+234 (0) 9076722225

Business Banking
Current Account
MSME Loans & Credit
Payroll Services
Payment Collections
Business Registration & Advisory
Digital & Branchless Banking
Online Account Opening
Mobile APPs
Debit Cards
Internet Banking
Agency Banking
Retail/Personal Banking
Current & Savings Accounts
Loans & Overdraft
BVN & NIN Enrolments